SealPro - Innovating Coating Solutions
SealPro - Innovating Coating Solutions
How can we help?
Eric Duffield comes from a mechanical engineering background, having studied at the former Rand Afrikaans University during the early 1990’s and entered into the manufacturing industry in 1995.
He started in the plastics film industry where he was involved in film blown packaging and printing. He developed an interest in Polyethylenes and Propylenes and has designed various machines and techniques in bag making and printing of specifically designed brands.
He then entered into civil engineering and designs, working in association with numerous Consulting Engineers and Development companies. In the Civil Engineering field, he came across numerous shortcomings with regards to waterproofing. In attempting to solve waterproofing problems he used numerous products already available on the market without success.
Meanwhile, Eric got involved with a company called YES (Youth Education through Sport), YES wanted to develop a product for building sports courts at low cost in the African market. Sourcing traditional building materials in rural Africa was a big stumbling block. A methodology was then developed to allow building with materials available on site. A soil stabilizer was introduced and showed great success, not only in terms of its stabilizing properties but also in providing a waterproof base to build on. The product thereafter evolved into one that could be sprayed onto naturally compacted soil to form a base for a sports court. From there a highly successful system of polymer screeds and coatings was developed with which to build a sports court and can be built virtually anywhere.
Through our research and development, we created SealPro.
The applications for SealPro are numerous and as a result, we have changed our core business from construction to manufacturing. We adjusted the formulation of our products to such an extent that they now work for spray-on, roll-on and paint-on applications, thus opening up industrial and residential markets.
We have extended our range from sports courts to waterproofing, wall coats, industrial protective linings and floor coatings. We have over 200 standard colours available and we can match almost any other colour that is not in our standard range
The world of SealPro coatings products guarantees the best technology and highest quality raw materials, all subject to strict controls. All our products and solutions are formulated using materials that safeguard the environment. Our product range includes waterproofing products, paint, floor coatings and specialised products like dust control, anti- bacterial and sports court floor coatings.
Whether you're looking for waterproofing products, painting supplies or sport court floors we have you covered.
HydroSeal HF is a high-performance UV resistant universal acrylic waterproof coating.
HydroSeal is a high-performance UV resistant trafficable acrylic waterproof coating.
Penetrar is a multi-purpose co-polymer ready-to-use concrete primer & binding agent.
Repello enhances concrete, mortar and plaster mixes. Can be used as a modifying admixture.
The success of any project depends on the type of product and the correct application of the solution. The SealPro technical support team has experience in all specialised coatings we supply and can help you to find the correct product & solution for your application.
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